vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011

Journalist Report Day 06 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 20, 2011
Journalist Report
Dragos Bratasanu Reporting

The day started today with a brief planning of our team for the movie we plan to make here. We have already discussed with a friend back in Romania who's a director of photography and he will do the editing upon our return.

After writing my press articles for the media in Romania, I switched and took up both the engineer and photographer role and went out on an EVA with our scientists. We discovered a wonderful mountain which we named after the President and CEO of the Romanian Space Agency, Dr. Marius Piso. The climb was very difficult but in the end we managed to get through it.

The EVA lasted for about four hours and now our astronomer is cooking traditional Romanian food with the supplies provided at the Hab. We would have liked for you all Mission Support to join on for dinner.


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